Mobile development

Digisuite Pharmacy

DigiSuite Pharma is an all-in-one inventory and accounting management solution for standalone & retail chain pharmacies.

dot-net Blazor React SQL server C paython


Best pharmacy management Solution in middle east

Application handles sales (cash, credit, insurance, branch ) purchase, order processing, returns, accounts etc, very effciently. Barcode supported billing to make sure minimum billing time. All processes are supported by shortcut keys and single button actions.


Inventory & Accounting

Integrated inventory and accounting make sure all your transactions are in sync. A highly user friendly and automated accounting package helps you run your business with ease.


MIS Reports

User friendly reports make sure your data is correctly analysed for re ordering and business management M.



Auto backup and user level security make sure your data is always safe. Application restore in case of system crash is possible within minutes.


E commerce extension

Application comes with a built in online order processing dashboard. On activation you can go live with your custom domain.

  • Sales & Purchase

  • Quotation & Delivery notes

  • Batch & Expiry settings

  • Masters - Customer
    Supplier Products

  • Stock Management

  • Ledgers

  • Profit & Loss report

  • Balance Sheet

  • Credit Note & Debit Note

  • MIS Reports

  • Gift Master

  • Discount Master

  • Multi Unit & Multi Pricing

  • Touch POS Display

  • Weighing Scale Integration

  • Multi Database connectivity

  • Opening stock entry

  • Multi Currency

  • Production Module

  • Invoice Designer

  • Barcode Designer

  • Cheque Printing

  • Payroll

  • PDC

  • Journal Voucher

  • Receipt & Payment Vouchers

  • Multi Branch


Cloud and On Premise solutions


Multi branch integration


Live reporting on the go


Best in class UI & UX